Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Poetry - Waste no time

is a waste of time baby
come let us live
waste no time baby

Don’t sit,
to brood and think
the pot is hot
drink it
before it melts baby

You saw the horizon
it was dawn there
sometime back O‘baby
and if you sit long enough
it will turn to dusk baby

When the lights would be gone
there would be darkness O’ baby
and nothing you do now
would lit a candle for you O’baby

your soul would burn
you would wreck your mind
long after it was your turn
you would think what to churn
you may write a poem
and turn it into a rhyme
by fitting it in with words
sounding similar like
I end this one with birds

It would be phony
it would be fake
your loved ones may still clap
just for your sake

You may fill it with
a thousand splendid suns
but just know,
no one will still pay a dime
if you make it a rhyme

The hell will be right here
and would fill you with fury
you would not get any rest
it would not help
this bringing out your best

This is a good thing
this which you did right now
this getting up from your seat
no-no don’t look back
there is nothing on your seat
just keep moving
your tiny pretty feet

Let me show you
a nice little dance
you just tap the earth
with your feet
and smile at this
stupid sound

The dirt will pick up
and fill your nose
don’t turn your face away
don’t cover it with your robe
let it get into you
and laugh if you sneeze

Let me show you
one more little magic trick
hold my hands
as we dance
and move your feet
one step at a time
look into my eyes
and just hold that smile

If you hold that
for a little more while
I would join you
with my broad smile
and soon you see
we have broken into laughter
and does it now matter
if next moment life brings us
well for the sake of rhyme
let me say disaster!

And now don’t go and sit back
on your tiny old seat
don’t leave me here
looking at you
while we hold yourself
and your laughter

Be there
if you have to be
but get up
just in time
for its time to
fall in love
and for once
end this game of

well, rhyme and time baby

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