Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Poetry - Rubble

I may not tow the line you draw
I do not draw my own line to tow
I am not a rebel

I may not follow the system
I do not disrupt it
I am not an anarchist

I may not fit in any of your slots
I do not exist outside of it
I am not a nobody

I am the rubble at the end of the road
to some I stink
to some am still useful
they dump what is theirs
but has no place in their homes
has no place in their lives

Sometimes dogs come and sniff
they lick me pick me chew on me
I let them for they feel me

Sometimes come the rag pickers
they assort me sort me use me
I let them for I empathy them

But sometimes just sometimes
come the rare species
they find their art in me
lifting my spirits
giving me a slot
no more a rubble

There is gold in me
there is dirt in me
You can take the gold
thinking you have taken me
but I am not the gold
I am not the stink
I am the whole lot
I am the rubble
you get the whole lot

or you do not get me

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